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I want to convey this feeling of comfort. CULINARY CLASSICS


Thank you very much for always reading the JOURNAL STANDARD blog.

It's getting more and more autumn.

A lot of new works are in stock.

Today, I would like to introduce "CULINARY CLASSICS".


Made in USA, tailor-made pants brand only

We have received a new color variation from such a brand.

VANS ¥ 6.800tax size S-L part number 17070600901030 Details CULINARY CLASSICS ¥ 6.800tax size S-M part number 17030610011030 Details HULFCABPRO ¥ 13.000tax size US8-10 product number 170803030303030309

The wide silhouette longs are clean.

Easy pants specification

VANS Ron T for the dostrike

This is a styling that symbolizes JOURNAL STANDARD for this season.

There is also a beautiful pattern in the new work.

CULINARY CLASSICS ¥ 6.800tax size S-M part number 17030610011030

Beautiful glen check

I feel like I'm combining my coach.

P/CWEATHERCOACH ¥ 14.000tax size S-L part number 17011600224030 Details VANS ¥ 4.900tax size S-L part number 17071600906030 Details CULINARY CLICS ¥ 6.800tax size S-M part number 10301010101010101010303030303030303030

Wear it with an outerwear, conscious of early autumn.

The pants are all 11 colors.

There are a lot of colors that I couldn't introduce this time.

Look at the product at the store and try it on!

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