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KOBEYA Bread's

Thank you very much for visiting us today!


Today's 13th was the annual “Bread Day” on the second Saturday of every month!
(I'm sorry without any notice.)…I'll definitely announce it from next month!
It was a great success, and it ended around the evening today.
Thank you very much for visiting us.
And I'm really sorry for the customers who couldn't give you the prize because it was on a first-come, first-served basis.
The bread day next month will be the second Saturday of "June 10"!
The prize will be decided at the end of the month, so we will inform you again.

It will be open from tomorrow.
★Fresh fruit fair!
May New Products
・Apple buns
・Apple roll
・Apple denish
・Orange denish
・Yubari melon bread
And the standard product, Furano Melon Bread
20% off! !

★Raisin bread 10% off

★Menta France discount 30 yen!

We have a lot of bargain products, such as those!

We are open tomorrow at seven thirty.★
We look forward to your visit!
Shop Information
Shop name
KOBEYA Bread's