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  1. Home
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  3. ☆7/24 (Tuesday) scheduled to be released! Kiddy Land Original Kuma no Poo☆
tenjin charapark

☆7/24 (Tuesday) scheduled to be released! Kiddy Land Original Kuma no Poo☆


Scheduled to be released on July 24 (Tuesday)
This is a guide to Kiddy Land's original Kuma no Poo.

☆Purchasing Benefits☆
Buy Kuma no Pu's products for 1,000 yen or more (tax included)
You will receive an original can badge!
*One payment of one account
*End as soon as it runs out

☆New product☆
・Various pouches
・Tote bag
・Card case
・iPhone case

We look forward to seeing you at Kiddy Land.

Shop Information
Shop name
tenjin charapark