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  3. You can make only one handmade soap in the world!

You can make only one handmade soap in the world!


This weekend is Father's Day, isn't it?

Have you finished choosing a gift for your father?


It's hard to decide…

It's hard to choose a gift…

There's also a voice.

Add original messages and art to the LUSH soap

Why don't you give only one soap in the world?

Not only as a present

Of course, it's OK for your own!

Soap will also choose what you like.☆

〓Soap art event〓

Date and time: All day of June 17 (Sat) and 18 (Sun)

Location: Inside the LUSH store

Fees: It depends on the type and size of the soap.

Contents: Draw a customer's original message and art on the soap and decorate with a seaweed-derived glitter!

We look forward to your visit.
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