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  3. Zoff and JOURNAL STANDARD relume joined hands to create the second eyewear collection.

Zoff and JOURNAL STANDARD relume joined hands to create the second eyewear collection.

Zoff and JOURNAL STANDARD relume joined hands.
The second installment of the newly born eyewear collection!

◆Product Characteristics
An adult with a style has intelligence.
JOURNAL STANDARD relume, reminiscent of the protagonist of the movie with strength and intelligence, JOURNAL STANDARD relume
This is the second one that was newly born with Zoff joined hands. "Intelligents" for adults with style.
It is an eyewear collection that can create an elegance that is different from the popular American Classic.

◆Product Overview
[Product name] Zoff| JOURNAL STANDARD relume Intelligents
[Type] 18 types of 3 colors each of 6 types 
[Prices] 8,800 yen, 11,100 yen (tax included) Original case with wiping of glasses
Release date Friday, December 3, 2021 
Stores handled
All Zoff stores (excluding outlets), all overseas stores, Zoff Rakuten Ichiba store, Zoff ZOZOTOWN store, Zoff Rakuten fashion store 
 (All JOURNAL STANDARD relume stores and online are also available.)

[Special Site] https://www.zoff.co.jp/shop/contents/relume.aspx

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