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【G-SHOCK】 New camouflage pattern!

Hello, everyone.

Thank you very much for visiting the blog of Fukuoka Parco store.

Today, I would like to introduce "G-SHOCK" to Mr.

Blue: DW-5600CA-2JF
Ivory: DW-5600CA-8JF ¥12,100 (tax included)
Gray: GA-2100CA-8AJF ¥14,850 (tax included)
DialCamo Utility series!

The standard square case model DW-5600 and GA-2100, which are popular with thin octagons, are adopted.

The camouflage pattern is stylishly finished, and it has a casual color that is easy to style.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to your visit and all the staff.

TiCTAC Fukuoka Parco Store
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