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Make your skin smooth with smooth and fluffy!

Good evening!
It's a rush on the 5th floor of the main building.

Are you worried about skin horny layer care? Leave it to "Happy Skin", a facial scrub that efficiently removes old horny layers and dirt with the synergistic effect of pineapples containing enzymes and the physical horny removal power of taga nuts!

If you're longing for a surprisingly shining skin, this "Happy Skin" is a must-try.

Pineapple juice containing bromeline (protein decomposition enzyme) and AHA (fruit acid) softens the stiff skin with old horny layer. Enzyme is effective for tough dirt such as horny plugs made of horny layer (protein) and sebum. Therefore, it was developed to add a large jackfruit juice full of enzymes and vitamins to give the skin smoothness and gloss.

In addition, the bamboo extract, which improves skin condition, and the pleasant scrub feeling of tagua nuts, are a strong ally of horny care that makes it easier to remove old horny layer and pores, which can cause dullness. It is a powerful person under the edge that supports the work of fruit juice that leads to a bright and happy skin! !

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