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✳Introduction of new products GHIT


Hello ^-^
It's mimi33 on the 2nd floor of the main building!

Today, I would like to introduce you to the Japanese restaurant.

These pierced earrings are made of freshwater pearls with plenty of nuances.
It has asymmetric design that has asymmetrical design.♡

It's just a nice earring that seems to be a nice girl with a feminine feeling.

This time, I tried to match the simple design with a delicate earkuff.♪

There is also an earring design here!
We also have a large number of other items.
Please take a look at the store or online store.♪

[Part number]
Earrings: OG180112P
Nickel-free hook / freshwater pearl
¥2,750 (tax included)

Earkaf: KB030015E
Stainless steel/18K thick plated
¥2,420 (tax included)

mimi33 on the 2nd floor of the main building
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