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GRAMICCI half pants


Hello, it's a lag tag.

Summer days continue, and short sleeves are fine during the day.

I would like to introduce some short pants that are essential for the summer season.

A lot of GRAMICCI half pants have arrived.

GRAMICCI (Gramich) is a casual wear brand that develops sportswear centered on rock climbing items.

In the 1970s, Mike Graham, a rock climber who was called the Stone Master in the United States and led rock climbing in Josemite, California, United States of America, was not satisfied with the climbing wear at that time, and began to create highly functional wear using a unique method.

"Gramichi Pants" and "Gramichi Shorts" These items are characterized by their unique functionality, "Gazet Clock", which allows for a 180-degree natural opening, and "Webbing Belt", which can be easily adjusted with one hand.

Pants that represent "Gramichi" are synonymous with climbing pants, quickly spread throughout the United States, and are popular as summer staple items in Japan.

The first sheet
Yellow / ¥3,300 (tax included) / Size: M
Green / ¥4,200 (tax included) / Size: L
Blue / ¥3,300 (tax included) / Size: S 

2nd sheet

Camoula / ¥3,300 (tax included) / Size: S
Lemon color / ¥4,200 (tax included) / Size: S
3 colors/$5,600 (tax included)/Size: L

Unique patterns such as camouflage patterns and borders like squeezed dyes are also popular.

Choose your favorite color!

We look forward to seeing you all.

For more information:

Lagtag blog http://blog.ragtag.jp/brand/ragtag

Official Twitter → https://mobile.twitter.com/ragtagshop

Instagram → http://www.instagram.com/ragtag_official

Online shop → https://www.ragtag.jp
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