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Relaxation space laffine

In collaboration with Risa and Gasparl♪

In collaboration with Lafine & Risa and Gasparl♪
Various collaboration goods appear one after another♪
It is on sale in limited quantities at Laffine stores!

[Goods starting on July 10]
•Shopping bags ¥2,420 (tax included)

•Hand towel ¥990 (tax included)

•Aroma Stone ¥1,650 (tax included)

[Goods starting on August 10]
•Keychain stuffed toy (Risa)•Gas pearls Each ¥1,990 (tax included)

*Please forgive us if it is sold out because the number is limited.
*Store sales are limited to one item per product.
*The design and specifications may differ from the actual product.
*Resale of products and listing on auction sites and flea market applications are strictly prohibited.

#Laffine Group Latest Information #Raffine #Risa and Gasparle #gaspardetlisa # Fukuoka #Fukuoka parco #Tenjin
Shop Information
Shop name
Relaxation space laffine