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Bottle holder☆

Hello everyone
This is the Fukuoka Parco store.

There are many people who have winter vacation until today.⁈
Are you ready for the new semester?♪

Recommended item for such people
This is an introduction of bottle holders ^

The bottle holder with a shoulder can be hung diagonally, so it is safe to go to school without obstructing your hands.♡
The inside is made of aluminum, and it is perfect for keeping warm and cold.◎
The surface is made of vinyl or laminate material, which is resistant to water and dirt!

Fefee bottle holder is large size and is compatible with 750ml water bottle.◎
Kids' hydration is safe and secure.*'╯♡

price: ¥3,190〜

If you have other items with the same pattern, there is no doubt that daily commuting will be fun! !
Please come and visit the store.♡

We look forward to your visit.

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Please follow me by all means.♡
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Fukuoka Parco Store
TEL: 092-235-7141
twitter: @fafa_FUKUOKA
Business hours 10:00~20:30


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