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Amos tile

New Arrival Charming Lamar Slim Line♬


It's Amos tiles on the 5th floor of the main building.♡

New work of Charming Lamar Slim Line
"Floral Hag" has arrived □︎

Eneoya, a traditional Turkish knitting
The embroidery of various wildflowers inspired by
Color your chest gorgeously ... *+.
Add an accent color to the shoulder strap.
The playful color scheme is attractive.♪

It is also designed high on the sides.
It has a flat finish.
Steps on the side and back are suppressed.
You can wear the outerwear neatly ^^

Size: BCD/65-75 EFG/65-80
Price: ¥3,960~ (tax included)

Please try it at the store.♪
We look forward to your visit.♡

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