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Terrace aveda

Up to 25% off beauty products♡

Terrace AVEDA Fukuoka Parco store!

From 2/22 (Sat) to 5/6 (Tuesday / holiday)! !
Spring New Tile Campaign is being held!
Before you start a new life (*^^*) at the turn of the season!
・ReFa (Refa)
・LUMIELINA (Ryu Mie Lena)
・Dyson (Dyson)
・KINUJO (Silk Woman)
・Lash addict (Rush Addict)
・MARVIS (Marvis)
・track oil (track oil)
・The power of undiluted solution, etc.

For more than 400 care products
This is a 5-25% off campaign.☆

For more information, please contact the store staff.
Terrace AVEDA Fukuoka Parco Store
TEL 092-722-6277
Shop Information
Shop name
Terrace aveda